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A cell is the geographical area covered by one radio base station transmitting/receiving in the center.

A celebrity may have to live in a goldfish bowl. 名人像活在金鱼缸,很难避人耳目。
A celestial event is oftentimes the precursor to the fulfillment of a prophecy from god about great change on the planet and for humanity in general. 天上的事件时常是履行神的预言的先驱,通常是关于这颗行星(地球)和人类总体上的伟大转变。
A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution. 特别为等待处决的死刑犯设置的牢房。
A cell composing the nervous system. 一种组成神经系统的细胞。
A cell consists of a cell header followed by the body of the cell itself. The body of the cell is the area of memory which is considered allocated. 内存单元包括一个跟随在单元体后的单元句柄。单元体可以认为是已经分配出去的内存区。
A cell is the geographical area covered by one radio base station transmitting/receiving in the center. 小室是由位于中心的无线电基站传输/接收所覆盖的地理区域。
A cell phone in use by someone operating a vehicle is a dangerous distraction? 一个人开车的时候使用手机会分心,蛮危险的。
A cell phone signal falling to Earth from a phone aboard a plane encounters no significant obstacles to slow it down, so its strong enough to reach the ground and find a network on its particular frequency. 通讯委员会相信,飞机上手机打向地面电话的信号几乎不会遇到令其衰减的障碍,因此这种信号会非常的强,它能够份轻松的抵达地面,找到自己的频率。
A cell taken from a so-called donor animal is grown into an embryo in the laboratory. 一个来源于所谓捐赠动物的细胞在实验室被培养成一个胚胎。
A cell usually contains one or more nuclei. 一个细胞通常有一个或多个细胞核。
A cellist was dismayed to find that his delicate, expensive wood instrument was consigned to the rough handling and cold temperatures of the baggage hold. 一个大提琴手沮丧地发现他那精致、昂贵的木质乐器竟然要托运,去经受行李舱里的低温和野蛮的装缷。

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