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These include kacawocassava, sweet potatoes, yiemsyams, taroerra, and cocoa nutcoconut.

These include feats, psionic powers, and miscellaneous requirements such as level, alignment, and race or kind. 先决条件包括专长、异能和各种条件,例如等级、阵营和种族。
These include fixed-line services, Internet services, fibre optic broadband networks, and radio broadcasting as well as mobile phone systems. 包括固网服务、互联网服务、光纤宽频网络与电台广播服务,以及流动电话系统,稳占市场主导地位。
These include forced child laborers. 包括受迫的儿童劳工。
These include generational change, regularization by implementing various rules and regulations, courting of the military by Jiang Zemin, strengthening of political doctrinization and personnel control, as well as military modernization and professionaliz 这包括:世代交替、以法治军的要求、江泽民寻求被认同、强化的政治教育和组织控制、军队现代化及专业化的趋势等。
These include inflammatory stimulation by interaction of alpha-synuclein with microglia and astrocytes and a suppressive action by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on dopamine quinone formation. 这包括阿尔法-突触核蛋白与小胶质细胞和星形胶质细胞相互作用产生的炎症性刺激,以及非甾体类抗炎药对多巴醌形成的抑制作用。
These include kacawocassava, sweet potatoes, yiemsyams, taroerra, and cocoa nutcoconut. 这些农作物包括:木薯、甘薯、山药、芋头和椰子。
These include magnetic workholding, fixturing, and material handling equipment for the metalworking industries. 产品在金属加工领域应用在磁性装卡、卡具和物料搬运方面。
These include natural disasters that happen year after year, like seasonal floods, ocean storms, drought or landslides. 这些紧急情况包括年复一年发生的自然灾害,像是季节性的洪水、台风、干旱或是山崩。
These include onboard battery diagnostics and management at the cell level, thermal management and an in-built cell conditioning system to keep the battery in peak condition. 最近几年来关于关于电池组的测试将一直在做,这中新的电池系统将形成很多特点,以前从来没有在商业用的铅酸电池中看到.
These include pinworms, influencer (influenza), the common cold, hyper titice aid (hepatitis A), melingetis (meningitis), and infectures dierea (infectious diarrhea). 包括蛲虫,流行性感冒,普通感冒,A型肝炎,脑膜炎和传染性腹泻。
These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea. 其中包括蛲虫、流感、普通感冒、甲肝、髓膜炎和传染性痢疾。

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