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Despite Robben being linked with a move to Spain, Kenyon insists Malouda's arrival would not mean the Holland winger departing.

Despite Chinas manufacturing prowess, quality can be a problem. 尽管中国的制造业很强大,但质量可能是个问题。
Despite David Trezeguet's brace, Juventus lost their friendly 3-2 at Standard Liege last night, but Didier Deschamps was not disappointed. 尽管特雷泽盖表现神勇,尤文图斯还是在昨晚2:3输掉了对标准列日的这场客场友谊赛,但德尚并没有失望.
Despite Ethiopia's latest claims of success, the country is in as perilous a state as ever. 尽管埃塞俄比亚宣告了最近的成功,可整个国家仍是处在一种水深火热的困境之中。
Despite Grischuk's inventive play, he had to seek a draw -- it seems that White has one more problem in this line! 尽管格里斯楚克下得很有创见,他还是不得不寻求和棋--看来这样白棋更有问题。
Despite India's economic boom, its children lag seriously behind most of their counterparts in the developing world with high dropout rates and widespread poverty, a World Bank report said. 尽管印度的经济发展繁荣,然而由于很高的失学率和大多数人仍处于贫穷状态的影响,据世界银行一报告说印度的儿童所受待遇远远要落后于其他别的发展中国家。
Despite Robben being linked with a move to Spain, Kenyon insists Malouda's arrival would not mean the Holland winger departing. 尽管罗本要去西班牙的传闻沸沸扬扬,凯尼恩依旧强调马卢达的到来肯定不是意味着荷兰边锋的离开。
Despite Roman Abramovich's pockets providing a seemingly bottomless transfer pit, The Blues have steadfastly refused to meet that price and Lyon themselves now believe a deal is unlikely to materialise. 尽管阿布的钱袋提供了看起来深不见底的转会费,蓝军还是坚决的拒绝了里昂的要价,里昂自己如今也认为谈判不可能在继续下去了。
Despite Stalin's agreement with the German dictator Adolph Hitler, German forces were attacking the Soviet Union. 虽然史达林和德国独裁者阿道夫?希特勒签署了协定,但是德国军队仍然攻打苏联。
Despite a 34-day air and ground assault, the Israeli army failed to defeat about 5, 000 guerrillas in southern Lebanon. 但在34天的空中、地面协同袭击后,以方军队还是没能战胜流窜在黎巴嫩南部的大约5000名真主党游击队员。
Despite a 34-day air and ground assault, the Israeli army failed to defeat about 5,000 guerrillas in southern Lebanon. 除了34天的空袭和地面攻击,在南部黎巴嫩,以色列军队没有能大拜年5000真主党。
Despite a bumper crop last year, corn prices have risen by nearly 30 percent over the past nine months on the Dalian Commodities Exchange. 尽管去年玉米丰收,大连商品交易所的玉米价格在过去9个月里上涨了近30%。

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