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I don't lose sleep at night over our ability to respond to any crisis anywhere, including the Strait of Taiwan,Keating, the commander of the Pacific Command, declared at the forum organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

I don't know,Auris said. But she frowned. “我不知道。”她说。可是却皱起了眉头。
I don't know,she admitted. “我不知道,”她承认道。
I don't know,the other man said, but this is a dromedary. “我不知道,”那人说:“可这是一只单峰骆驼。”
I don't like this particular scarf, but the others are quite nice. "我不喜欢的就是这一种围巾,其他的都很好。"
I don't look at myself as a hero. I am just a survivor. “我不认为自己是个英雄。我只是一个幸存者。”
I don't lose sleep at night over our ability to respond to any crisis anywhere, including the Strait of Taiwan,Keating, the commander of the Pacific Command, declared at the forum organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 美国海军上将提摩太.吉亭在华府举办的论坛中,不理会外界认为美国因介入伊拉克和阿富汗冲突,一旦中国攻打台湾,美军在邻近地区将没有足够兵力可迅速反应。
I don't mind your knowing, Bill said, I'm over head and ears in love with her. 不妨让你知道,比尔说,我已深深地爱上了她。
I don't see anything there,Wu Ling said. “那儿什么都没有啊。”吴灵说。
I don't see us over here having to change our mode of operation very much,said Kelly, the Kitty Hawk battle group commander. We are inherently a real flexible group. “我认为,我们不是特别需要在这里调整我们的作战模式。”小鹰号航母战斗群的司令官凯利说,“本质上,我们就是一支真正灵活的战斗群。”
I don't see why I must not go, he burst in angrily . 他气愤地插嘴说:我不明白为什么我不能去。
I don't see why I must not go, he burst in angrily. 他气愤地插嘴说:我不明白为什么我不能去。

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