Paul:Where are you going? Come on. Spill the beans.
保罗:你要去哪儿?别这样,透露一下吧。 |
Paul:Why are we here? We're not exactly hip and trendy.
保罗:那我们为什么在这里?我们又称不上时尚名流。 |
Pauperized tenants, landless peasants, adventure-seeking boys flocked to join him.
贫农、雇农以及想出去见世面的青年踊跃要求参军。 |
Pausanias called this island Satyrides,referring to the Atlantes and those who profess to know the measurements of the earth.
普萨尼亚斯称这个岛为“萨提里特斯”,代表亚特兰蒂斯和表示对测地法的认知。 |
Pausanias wrote that he saw on the slope above the temple a spring called Kassotis, which he had heard plunged underground and then emerged again in the adyton, where its waters made the women prophetic.
波塞尼亚斯写道,他看到神殿山坡上的泉水卡梭提斯,听说它没入地下,又在神殿的阿底顿冒出来;就是在那儿,泉水使女祭司做出预言。 |
Pauses , her eye falling on the cage . ) I should think she would have wanted a bird . But what do you suppose went with it ?
停下话,眼光落在鸟笼上)我想她会要一只鸟的,可是你想这只鸟会怎么样? |
Pavano on hold: Carl Pavano's ongoing tour of medical offices has apparently come to an end at four, with Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim team physician Lewis Yocum contributing the final word.
帕瓦诺等候中:帕瓦诺的巡迴问诊之旅已告正式结束,最后一份诊断书来自洛城天使队医尤肯医师。 |
Pavano said that the program can come with him to Yankee Stadium.
痛说这个计画会和他一起来到洋基球场. |
Pavano, who hasn't pitched in a big-league game since the middle of the 2005 season, is working out in Phoenix to get his body in shape.
自从2005年季中就没有在大联盟投过球了,他都在凤凰城进行复健的工作。 |
Pavarotti had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year and underwent further treatment in August.
去年,帕瓦罗蒂被诊断出患有胰腺癌,并于上个月接受了进一步治疗。 |
Pavarotti said he was a slave to his remarkable voice and that being a tenor is like being an athlete, requiring constant training.
帕瓦罗蒂曾经说,他是他辉煌嗓音的奴隶,做一名男高音就跟做一名运动员一样,需要不断练习。 |