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Now close the Group Policy window.

Now bison herds have increased to the hundreds of thousands. 现在,野牛群又增加数以百计千计的数量。
Now bring the check assembly through the check retaining wall. 现在将止回阀通过止回阀护壁取出。
Now can I ask you a question? 丹恩:现在我能问你一个问题吗?
Now can I come to the column picture? 现在,能转换到矢量图上了么?
Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty. 为了提高速度、增强美 观,现在小轿车均采用 流线型设计.
Now close the Group Policy window. 现在关闭组策略窗口.
Now co ider how a seat belt law alters the cost-benefit calculation of a rational driver. 现在思索安全带法律怎样改变了一个理性的司机的成本-利益的计算。
Now come on shot gun bride what makes me envy your life? 远方走来了火枪的新娘,是什么让我羡慕你的生活?
Now come, Mr Smith, just help yourself. The roast duck has to be eaten piping hot. 来吧,史密斯先生,别客气。烤鸭是要趁热吃的。
Now comes a new device for discovering bogus bucks that is more convenient than competing products , and as effective. 现在出现了一种新的探测假币的装置,这种装置比与之竞争的其他产品更为方便,且同样有效。
Now comes the long awaited book, A Royal Duty by Paul Burrell, the man in whom she confided on matters big and small. 现在,众人期待已久的书终于出版了,这就是保罗·伯勒尔的《王室职责》,这是个不论大事小事都可以令戴安娜完全信任的男人。

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