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Make the mask layer look darker, using the next command Image -Adjustments -Brightness/Contrast.

Make the font-color on screen be more similar to Player Color. 使得字幕中出现的玩家名字颜色更接近于玩家的颜色。
Make the heart of this people numb; Dull their ears, And seal their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, And their heart perceive and return, and they are healed. 10你要使这百姓心蒙脂油,耳朵发沉,眼睛封闭;恐怕他们眼睛看见,耳朵听见,心里领悟,回转过来,便得医治。
Make the lab be cleanliness and safety. 做好实验室整洁及安全工作。
Make the letter brief and simple. 信函应简洁明了。
Make the maintenance management plan. 制定维护管理计划。
Make the mask layer look darker, using the next command Image -Adjustments -Brightness/Contrast. 点击图像-调整-亮度/饱和度将面膜层调暗。
Make the minimum storage of the spare parts. 制定备品备件的最小储备量。
Make the most of this terrific article! 好好利用这篇了不起的文章吧!
Make the most of your time. 你的所有时间都是应该这样去做。
Make the new students feel at home in your school. 让新生们在你们的学校里感到舒适自在。
Make the photo look more luminescent. Picture several equally stripes with a big size brush on the same corner the butterflies are situated. 为了让图片看起来更明亮,使用大笔刷在蝴蝶的位置处涂抹一下。

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