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Ironically, use of an antimissile interceptor against a nuclear-tipped target with a proximity fuse could in fact set off a destructive HANE phenomenon.

Ironically, the ruler of the new dynasty was not the leader of the farmer rebellion, but someone from Manchuria in Northern China. 是新王朝的统治者并不是起义军的领袖,而是来自东北中国的另一个少数民族——满族。
Ironically, the saying is used to point out that among us is a prevalent inclination—regarding others as luckier. 讽刺的是,这种说法指出在我们之中普遍存在一种倾向,认为他人总是比自己幸运。
Ironically, the separation of church and state laid down in the US constitution contributes to the tension. 讽刺地,分开教会与政府被制定在美国宪法对紧张贡献。
Ironically, the very act of avoiding our negative emotions gives them the power to control our lives. 讽刺的是,避免负面情绪的行动,反而会使负面情绪控制我们的生活。
Ironically, there is something rather cloudlike about the multiple complaints surrounding Google. 讽刺的是,围绕谷歌的诸多不满模糊不清。
Ironically, use of an antimissile interceptor against a nuclear-tipped target with a proximity fuse could in fact set off a destructive HANE phenomenon. 讽刺的是,如果使用反飞弹拦截装置对付具备「近炸引信」的核弹头目标,反而更容易造成破坏性的高空核爆现象。
Ironically, when San Francisco's Bay Area Rapid Transit System issued new bonds to raise money a few years ago, one of the underwriters was Gardner's company run by a man who, when he was homeless, had bathed his son in the bathroom of one of its train st 具有讽刺意义的是,几年前,当旧金山湖湾区快速运输站发行债券募集资金时,一家保险公司的经营者正是当年在火车站洗手间给他儿子洗澡的那个男人。
Ironing shirts is a hateful job. 熨衬衫是件讨厌的工作。
Irons are easy to rust. 铁容易生锈。
Irony and pity are both of good counsel; the first with her smiles makes life agreeable; the other sanctifies it with her tears. 讽刺和怜悯都是我们的良师益友;前者以她的微笑使人生愉悦;后者则以她的眼泪使人生化为圣洁.
Irony is an often used figure of speech. 摘要反语是一种常用的修辞格。

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