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Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time?

Do you carry hundredpercent cotton pants? 你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗?
Do you carry it over your shoulder? 你把它放在你的肩膀上吗?
Do you change your guitar according to the repertoire? 你是否会根据不同的曲目使用不同的吉他?
Do you charge extra for delivery? 另收送货费吗?
Do you charge for the baby?- 婴儿要收费吗?
Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time? 下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费?
Do you charge in favourable regular way ? If yes, it is will increase the amount of money of favourable time slot in this account first ! 您是否以优惠固定方式收费?将先在该帐户增加优惠时间段的金额!
Do you classify rubbish before sending it to a dustbin? 倒垃圾时,你会给垃圾分类吗?
Do you clear up the litter which is not scattered by you? 你会清理别人乱扔的垃圾吗?
Do you clip those ear-rings on/Do those ear-rings clip on? 你的[这种]耳环是夹上去的吗?
Do you come from America? No, I am from/ come from Japan. 你是从美国来的吗?不,我是从日本来的.

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