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The cla ic tradeoff is between gu and butter.

The civil war's over now and the people of Sierra Leone are living in peace. 塞拉里昂的内战结束了,人民生活在和平中。
The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years. 人类经数千年才文明开化.
The civilization of the youth is that of struggle against one 's background, against time and against experence. 青年之文明,奋斗之文明也,与境遇奋斗,与时代奋斗,与经验奋斗。
The civilization worksite construction is the significant characteristic of persisting in human-focus and building a harmonious society, and the important target and assurance of constructing the superior quality and efficient project. 摘要创建文明工地建设是坚持以人为本、构建和谐社会的重要特征,是建设优质高效工程的重要目标和重要保证。
The civilized world must fight poverty. 一个文明的世界必须与贫穷奋斗。
The cla ic tradeoff is between gu and butter. 一个“枪与黄油”之间的经典的交易。
The clad diamond with multilayer films of metals, alloys or metalceramics are manufactured by low-temperature plasma composite technology. 采用该技术可以在单晶金刚石颗粒表面获得强力结合的多层金属层、合金层及陶瓷涂层。
The clad plate shall be gien a treatment consisting of heating to proper temperature for the solution of Chromium carbides in the cladding, followed by indiidual air-cooling. 金属盘须经过包括加热到适当温度以除去碳铬或合物,然后分别空气制冷的处理过程。
The clad plate shall be given a treatment consisting of heating to proper temperature for the solution of Chromium carbides in the cladding, followed by individual air-cooling. 金属盘须经过包括加热到适当温度以除去碳铬或合物,然后分别空气制冷的处理过程。
The claim , and subsequently the belief , that you have no Birthright , and then everything built upon that belief , has constituted Self-denial—a most unhealthy and insane activity . “你没有天赋权利”的这种说法、你对它的信念,以及奠基于此信念上的一切经历,都再再否定了真我,这简直是最病态、最神智不清的举动。
The claim for returning unjustified enrichment has been an important right in civil law. 不当得利请求权是民法上一项重要的权利。

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