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“The Iranians as well as ourselves laid out the principles that guide our respective policies toward Iraq,” he said. “There was pretty good congruence right down the line: support for a secure, stable, democratic, federal Iraq, in control of its own secur

“The Hazaras have now bought a lot of sheep and goats. “哈拉加人新搞来了很多绵羊和山羊,这是一个新出现的现象。”
“The Honorable Mrs. Jamieson . . . was fat and inert, and very much at the mercy of her old servants” (Elizabeth C. Gaskell). “高贵的贾米逊夫人…身材肥胖,行动迟钝,非常需要她的老仆人们的帮助(伊丽莎白·C·盖斯凯尔)。
“The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied. 你们用的ISA防火墙的,提示的很清楚。没有访问代理服务器的权限。
“The Immigration and Naturalization Act” of 1965 abolishes restrictive quotas based on race and nationality. 1965“移民归化法”取消了根据种族和国籍限制移民配额的做法。
“The Increase of Population and the Changing of Structure in China”, in Luxueyi ed. Blue book of Chinese Society in 2005. Social Sciences Academic Press, 2004. “中国人口总量的增长与结构变化”,陆学艺主编,2004年《社会蓝皮书》,社会科学文献出版社2004年版。
“The Iranians as well as ourselves laid out the principles that guide our respective policies toward Iraq,” he said. “There was pretty good congruence right down the line: support for a secure, stable, democratic, federal Iraq, in control of its own secur 伊朗人和我们一样,在伊拉克问题上有自己的原则,他(还)说,有一点则是完全相同的,即建立一个安全,稳定,民主的伊拉克联邦共和国,它将掌控自己的(安全)局势,与邻国友好相处。
“The Irreconcilable Chinese Rival Regimes and the Weakening of the Neutrality Policies of the Great Powers,” Civil Wars, vol. 3, no. 4 (Winter 2000), pp. 85-104. 「北爱尔兰和平进程:政府间因素与国际势力的介入」,问题与研究,第四十三卷,第二期(93年3-4月),页1-30。
“The Italian League is the best one in the world, it would be a dream to play there,” concluded Cavani. 意大利联赛是世界上最棒的联赛,在那里踢球是我的一个梦想,卡瓦尼总结.
“The Lord is merciful and gracious, and plenteous in mercy” (ver. 8). (八节)神的伟大,是何等的奇妙,照样,他的慈爱也是何等的无限。
“The North Bright Pearl” Dalian is located in the east of China. 大连作为北方明珠,屹立在祖的东方。
“The Odyssey”, by Homer, tells the tale of Odysseus's ten-year journey back from the Trojan war to his wife, Penelope. 荷马笔下的“奥德赛”,讲述了奥德修斯从特洛伊战争历经十年返回到妻子帕涅洛普身边的故事。

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