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A comparative analysis of neotradtional developments with a turn-of-the-century streetcar suburb.

A company without a Web site is unthinkable and most companies and organizations have more than one site. 一个没有网站的公司是不可想象的,绝大多数的公司和组织不只拥有一个网站。
A company's data, however, may be irreplaceable. 然而,一个公司的数据可能无法替代。
A company's half-yearly profits are the profits that it makes in six months. 一家公司的半年度盈利是在六个月赚的盈利。
A comparable car would cost far more abroad. 类似的车子在国外要贵的多。
A comparable car would cost far more abroad. 一两比较讲究的汽车在国外买要贵的多。
A comparative analysis of neotradtional developments with a turn-of-the-century streetcar suburb. 新传统社区发展与改变时代的电车郊区之比较分析。
A comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Gorges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program . 三峡工程利弊的对比分析可能会使我们更清楚地认识这一庞大的治水工程的最终影响。
A comparative look at West-Indian Creoles, Gullah and AAE. 以比较的角度来看西印度克理奥尔语、嘎勒语和非裔美国黑人英语。
A comparative newcomer. 比较新进的人员
A comparative study of American and German railroads in the 19th century (with emphasis on the role of the state). 关于19世纪美国和德国铁路的对比研究(重点介绍州的作用)。
A comparative study on relations for viscosity coefficient of a liquid determined by eddy-canister viscometer is presented and some errors therein are pointed out. 摘要对文献中转筒法测液体黏度的几个关系式进行了比较研究,指出了其中的问题。

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