But warming temperatures also pose a threat.
但是过高的气温也造成了威胁。 |
But was it a better indicator than, say, broken or wavy lines – or any other kind of line, for that matter?
但与其他线条相比,比如说虚线或者波浪线,它的动感效果就更好吗? |
But was really the rough point.
不过实在是粗糙了一点。 |
But watch out you don't get them into trouble.
但要当心,不要给他们找来麻烦。 |
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
5你却要凡事谨慎,忍受苦难,作传道的工夫,尽你的职分。 |
But watching cars go fast isn't a show, racing is a show.
但观看汽车飞驰不是表演,赛车才是。 |
But water is pumped into the hole throughout the year, attracting animals when it might otherwise be dry, and overgrazing has substantially depleted the surrounding veld vegetation.
天然归天然,为了避免水塘乾掉,一年里还需以人工方式灌水,以确保随时有水可以吸引动物前来饮用。不过这一带由于草食动物过度啃食,周围草木几乎快秃光了。 |
But we Americans know that the bitterness is a distortion, not a true reflection of what is in our hearts.
但是我们美国人知道这是被扭曲了的,不是我们内心真实的写照。 |
But we all agree with the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite the real self.
可是我们都承认在我们曰常活动中那么忙碌的自我,并不完全是真正的自我;我们相信我们在生活的追求中已经失掉了一些东西。 |
But we all knew something was happening when we heard the unmistakable striking of typewriter keys.
我们也都知道那里确实是发生了什么,因为我们又听见了熟悉的打字机发出的声音。 |
But we also have a good reputation.
但我们也有着良好的声誉。 |