He finds the pace at which his wife works exhausting.
他认为妻子那种工作方式太辛苦。 |
He finished encouraged by their achievements.
尽管有许多令人灰心的挫折,他仍然完成了工作。 |
He finished first in the 100-meter dash.
他在一百米短跑中得了第一名。 |
He finished his task on time.
他按时完成了他的任务。 |
He finished his work in short order.
他快速而顺利地完成了工作。 |
He finished it up by coating the surface with paint.
他在其表面涂上一层漆,作品即告完成。 |
He finished reading this novel at the speed of 30 pages per day.
他以每天三十页纸的速度完成了这部小说。 |
He finished the assignment completely.
他全面完成了分配的任务。 |
He finished the job at the expense of his health.
他以牺牲健康来完成这项工作。 |
He finished the job at the expenses of his health.
他以牺牲健康完成了这项工作。 |
He finished the portrait in a few minutes.
他几分钟就完成了一副肖像画. |