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The status and the defects which appeared in the hot forming process of abnormal Knuckles under different sizes of billet have been analyzed hence theoretical support for getting reasonable size of billet.

The statues on campus reveal a tip of the iceberg of the university's culture and history. 北大的人文和历史可以从遍布燕园的雕像中窥得一斑。
The stature of a middle-aged man is mo longer as weak or thin as that of a young man, he is well-built, so that to those women born delicate, he3 is simply the saest harbor bestowed by God, who is very steady and sure and sure to lean on, warm and comfort 人到中年,身材也由年轻时的单薄而变得雄壮、魁梧、结实,以致对于天性柔软的女性来说简直就是天赐的最安全的避风港,靠上去是那么踏实,被拥着是那么温暖。
The status and development of the manufacture technology, the properties and the possible application of straw-based wallboard in China were presented in this paper. 包括:平压法秸秆复合墙体、挤压法秸秆复合墙体、模压法秸秆复合墙体。
The status and progress of the anode materials for SOFC are reviewed in this paper. 摘要本文综述了固体氧化物燃料电池阳极材料的研究现状和进展。
The status and role of human resources in colleges and universities have embodied the importance of human resources management. 摘要人才资源在高校的地位和作用决定人才资源管理工作的重要性。
The status and the defects which appeared in the hot forming process of abnormal Knuckles under different sizes of billet have been analyzed hence theoretical support for getting reasonable size of billet. 分析了在不同毛坯尺寸下转向节的成形情况及可能出现的缺陷,为获得合理的毛坯尺寸提供了依据。
The status bar shows you the system state at a glance. 状态栏显示您的系统的总体状态。
The status bar's panes may contain almost any control you need: buttons, edits, animations, progress bars, and so forth. 状态条中的窗格几乎可以包含你需要的任意控件:按钮,文本框,动画框,进度条,等等。
The status of Cambrian System in the 2004 version of the International Stratigraphical Chart is reviewed with comments on the GSSP for the base of the System and the current subdivision of the system, the GSSP for the newly ratified Furongian Series and P 摘要评述了国际地层委员会最新公布的2004年版“国际地层表”的寒武系部分,包括它的底界全球层型和点位的确定和存在的问题、寒武系当前的再划分情况、芙蓉统和排碧阶及其底界全球层型剖面和点位、寒武系的时代跨度。
The status of Liverpool\'s players keeps them motivated. 利物浦球员的地位是对他们的最好激励。
The status of a person on probation. 察看在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况

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