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In fact, Michael's only “shortcoming” was the extreme growth.

In fact, Ill make a rash statement that I believe is true, by and large: Chi ldren will abide by what their parents sincerely believe is right. 我要鲁莽地说一句我认为基本正确的话:家长真诚相信是正确的决定,孩子们是会遵循的。
In fact, Japan's bubble economy ended up bursting; but not before an outbreak of foolish protectionism. 事实上,日本的泡沫经济以崩溃告终,但这却发生在愚蠢的保护主义爆发之后。
In fact, Loki′s intrusion was part of his artful scheme that caused Balder′s death. 实际上,洛基闯宴是害死光明之神博尔德阴谋的一部分。
In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic, she was now forced to get her fried chicken from a fast food restaurant. 事实是,林内特陷入了劳累的无底洞,她现在不得不去快餐店买炸鸡了。
In fact, M.I.T.'s Langer thinks that bioinformatics—milling through the wealth of data generated by reading the base pairs—remains a challenge. 事实上,麻省理工学院的兰格认为,要筛选从硷基对读取的大量资料,也就是生物资讯学的工作,仍然还是一项挑战。
In fact, Michael's only “shortcoming” was the extreme growth. 事实上,迈克尔惟一的“短处”就是长得太快。
In fact, Microsoft is used as an example. 事实上,微软被用为例。
In fact, Monte Carlo techniques are much faster than brute force. 事实上,蒙特卡罗技术要比暴力破解技术快得多。
In fact, Mr Giuliani can boast a solidly conservative record on all sorts of things that matter to the base. 事实上,但凡涉及基本问题,朱利亚尼的态度则是可圈可点,他一直持有坚决的保守立场。
In fact, NPD Group found that 57% of men found shopping for jewelry to be a stressful activity. 事实上,NPD机构的调查发现,57%的男性觉得购买珠宝是件压力很大的事情。
In fact, Old World cereals were unknown to American Indians. 事实上,美洲印地安人并不知道东半球的谷类食物。

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