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Wheel wear is a concern on most metro systems.

Wheeee! 5 different renderers. None of which are reliable across the board. 哦!5个不同的渲染器,但他们没有一个是可靠的。
Wheel circumference measurements are show in cms. 车轮的周长以厘米为单位度量。
Wheel color can be matched to your paint code on this set of painted wheels! 车轮颜色可以配合你的画法,这套画车轮!
Wheel lubrication was seen as a potential solution to the wheel wear problem. 车轮润滑被视为一个潜在的解决车轮磨损问题的技术手段。
Wheel rotation is reversible allows for right or left hand grinding. 磨削时砂轮能旋转自如用于正反向车刀的逆转磨削。
Wheel wear is a concern on most metro systems. 对大部分地铁系统来说车轮磨损事关重大。
Wheeler's team used DNA sequencing and computer simulations to reconstruct the evolutionary tree of venomous fish—all the way back to their common ancestor. 威勒的团队使用DNA排序和计算机模拟的方法重构了有毒鱼类的遗传树,一直追溯到它们的共同祖先.
Wheeler, Stephen M. The New Regionalism: Characteristics of an Emerging Movement.Journal of the American Planning Association 68, 3 (Summer 2002): 267-278. 着〈新区域主义:新兴运动之特性〉,美国规划协会期刊68,3(2002年夏季)第267-278页。
Wheels leave grooves in dirt roads. 车轮在泥路上留下凹痕。
Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road. 车轮在泥泞的路上留下凹痕。
Wheels won't bite on a slippery surface. 车轮打滑.

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