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The development and utilization of natron by-product from the production of ADC

The determination of dextrin in milk powder 乳粉中糊精的检测方法
The determination of photosynthetic physiological parameters of bract of Areceae spadix during growing period showed that it contained photosynthetic pigment and, was capable of photosynthesis, transpiration, although lower than those of leaves. 本研究同时对天南星的苞叶进行全生育期光合生理指标的测定,发现其中含有一定量的光合色素,能够进行较低的光合作用,同时其水分利用效率也很低;
The determination range is between 0.007 mg/L and 0.8 mg/L and the linear relative coefficient is 0.998 7.Most of associated substances don't disturb determination. 测定范围为 0 .0 0 7~ 0 .8mg/L ,线性相关系数r为 0 .9987。
The detrusor urinae constractility was normai and increased in 8 patients and low in 8 patients. 通尿肌收缩力正常或增强8例,减弱8例;
The development and breakthrough in internal medicine of TCM and other clinical subjects of TCM will be acquired by studying and exploring Jin kui yao lue and other classical books of TCM ,and absorbing pabulum and raising problems from them . 今后《中医内科学》以及中医临床各科的发展和突破,也必将从研究和发掘《金匮要略》等中医经典中汲取营养和提出问题。
The development and utilization of natron by-product from the production of ADC ADC生产中副产十水碳酸钠的综合开发利用
The development of a microcomputer-based automatic slide stainer 微机控制自动组织染色仪的研制
The development of motorcycle styling has experienced periods: motor bycicle, scooter, moped, motorcycle and sport motorcycle. 摩托车外形发展经历了机动自行车、坐式摩托车、轻便摩托车、通用摩托车、竞赛摩托车等五个发展时期。
The development of tapetum and pollen in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) 比较研究了烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)
The development of the specialized market needs the attention and guidance form theory. The abundance practice of specialized market provided theory research with wealth materials. 专业市场发展需要理论的重视和指导,越来越丰富的专业市场实践为理论研究提出了丰富的素材。
The development of towns of the Wicker Outside of Qing Dynasty basically laid a foundation of the function and distribution of the towns in Ji and Hei provinces today. 清代柳条边外城镇的发展,基本奠定了现在吉、黑两省的城镇职能类型与布局。

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