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Will It Work All By Itself?

Will I need to leave my CD in the drive in order to play? 玩资料片需要一直使用资料片光盘吗?
Will I need to upgrade the software at a later date? 以后我需要对软件进行升级吗?
Will I pills for restless leg syndrome do anything for the coworkers restless mouth syndrome? 治疗我腿部由于整日奔波所患的多动综合症的药丸是否能对同事们整日唠唠叨叨的嘴部综合症起作用呢?
Will I wake up from this nightmare? 我会从这个恶梦中醒来吗?
Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?
Will It Work All By Itself? 它只能自己独自运行吗?
Will Jesse's son give every one of you fields and vineyards? 耶西的儿子能把田地和葡萄园赐给你们各人吗?
Will Kobe be there when the Lakers report to camp in Hawaii? 湖人队在夏威夷开始训练时科比去参加吗?
Will Linden Lab be willing to prop up its currency if growth slows down (which it apparently already has begun to do) or if many users start selling their Linden dollars? 当增速放缓(目前已经出现),或者大批玩家开始抛售林登元的时候,林登实验室还会愿意维持他的货币(使之汇率稳定)吗?
Will MAN take over Scania? 曼能否收购斯堪尼亚?
Will Martha's consent to her marriage? 玛莎的双亲会赞成她的婚事吗?

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