At this month's spring meetings, the 24 ministers who steer the institution showed both indignation and indecision. |
中文意思: 在本月的春季年会上,执掌该机构的24国部长们既表现出义愤填膺,又显得犹豫不决。 |
At this moment, the stove became very glowing, because soft coal's smoking went away, firepower was very strong.
这时,炉子已经烧得通红了:烟煤燃尽了烟,火力非常强。 |
At this moment, you may say a few words to praise , but don't have to seriously express thanks or show the expression that you enjoy it very much.
这时,可说一两句赞扬的话,但不要郑重表示感谢,更不要显出爱不释手的表情。 |
At this moment,it may be premature to discuss the matter of agency.
此刻谈论代理问题也许为是尚早。 |
At this moment,we're not able to control your partner by any illegal means.If any malpractice by your paterner,we could only seek for legal actitity on the condition that the agreement is legal.
如果您认为您的合作方签署协议后不会履行,那只有在确认协议合法的前提下通过法律途径来解决了. |
At this moment,our teacher must be correcting our exam papers.
这个时候,老师想必在批改我们的试卷。 |
At this month's spring meetings, the 24 ministers who steer the institution showed both indignation and indecision.
在本月的春季年会上,执掌该机构的24国部长们既表现出义愤填膺,又显得犹豫不决。 |
At this my heart suddenly contracted.
这真使我的心突然紧缩起来。 |
At this news his girl friend nearly went mad.
听到此消息,吉姆的女友几乎要发疯了。 |
At this news the wine in his stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy.
听到这个消息,他一肚皮的酒几乎全化成了醋酸。 |
At this point April sales were thought to amount to about 50-60,000 t.
在这一点上,销售额共计约50-60,000吨。 |
At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. You are out of your mind, Paul!he shouted. Your great learning is driving you insane.
24保罗这样分诉,非斯都大声说,保罗,你癫狂了吧。你的学问太大,反叫你癫狂了。 |