Once in a while, Myanmar does not make trouble, does not be an obstacle, every one can say well done, because of ASEAN spirit can have today's achievement.
偶尔缅甸不做乱,不做阻碍,大家就可以自贺,说是因为亚细安精神才会有今天的成就。 |
Once in a while, he got very sick, and went to the hospital, and she awaited his return anxiously, jumping up expectantly every time a car pulled up to the house.
有几次,他病情严重,被送进医院,“布茨”就焦急地等待,一有车在房前停下,它就期盼地跳起来。 |
Once in a while, the prophet indulges in fantasy.
偶尔,那个预言家会纵情于幻想。 |
Once in a while,right in the middle of an ordinary life,love gives us a fairy tale.
就在一会儿的时间里,就在平常的生活里,爱向我们展示了一个神话。 |
Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life , love gives us a fairy tale.
在平凡的日常生活中,爱会时不时为我们带来一个童话。 |
Once in bed, when it is time to close the five ports of knowledge, most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivion.
一旦到了上床睡觉时间,五个摄取知识的港口就要关闭的时候,我认识的大多数人似乎都能很容易就忘却了他们在尘世的作用,很快进入梦乡,而我却不能。 |
Once in orbit, two of the THEMIS spacecraft will circle Earth about one-sixth the distance to the moon while the other two circle half way to the moon.
一旦进入轨道,THEMIS的两艘宇宙飞船将以月球到地球距离的六分之一处的高度环绕地球,而另外两艘则在月球到地球距离一半处环绕地球。 |
Once in power, a government is often judged by how many of its manifesto promises it manages to deliver.
一旦当选,人们通常会以执政党兑现了多少竞选纲领中的承诺来判断政府的业绩。 |
Once in the blood, it gets filtered through the liver before it can travel to the rest of the body.
进入血液之后,还要通过肝脏的考验才能到达全身各处。 |
Once in the column, compounds in the test mixture are separated by virtue of differences in their capacity factors, which in turn depend upon vapor pressure and degree of interaction with the stationary phase.
当样品进入色谱柱后,混合试样中各组分由于容量因子的差异会被彼此分离开,分离程度取决于各组分蒸汽压和组分与固定相之间的相互作用。 |
Once in the dressing room, Cech's condition worsened dramatically.
在医疗室里,切赫的伤势出人意料的恶化了。 |