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In fact I have been pushing one of the best F1 cars in the world against some of the very best F1 drivers on the racetrack while I was a test driver at McLaren.

In fact , there were few wonders of the twentieth century that??this man of the nineteenth century did not foresee. 事实上,这个19世纪的凡尔纳几乎都预见了20世纪的奇妙发明。
In fact , we also hope we will get C/O as soon as possible , if we can not , we will take a lot of losses. 其实我们也很希望尽快的把产地证办理出来,如果办不出来对我们的损失将会很大。
In fact ,you are wrong if you think like that . 事实上,你要是那样想就错了.
In fact I am a Doctor of Tea. 实际上我只是一个“茶博士”。
In fact I had finished Grade 5. 我爸爸想让我上六年级,但注册的人员不让。
In fact I have been pushing one of the best F1 cars in the world against some of the very best F1 drivers on the racetrack while I was a test driver at McLaren. 实际上,当我在迈凯轮车队担任测试车手时,我驾驶着一辆世界上最棒的赛车在赛道上和别的那些极其出色的F1车手较量过。
In fact I think it's probably my favorite. 实际上,我认为它可能是我最喜欢的。
In fact I'm rather surprised you haven't done so already. 你还没有这样做,我实在感到惊讶。
In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity. 曾经有人把这个句子翻译为:事实上,在睡眠期间仍有一定基本量的活动,这种睡眠特别与防止肌肉活动有关。
In fact a very low level of real hydrocarbons is found outside the injection site. 实际上在注射处外部会发现有一种标准低的碳氢化合物。
In fact after the race Symonds admitted that he hadn't realised that Michael had saved his last new set for the end, so in fact that concern was not part of Renault's thinking. 事实上赛后西蒙斯承认当时他没有意识到舒马赫保留了一套新胎到最后,所以事实上这种问题当时雷诺没有考虑到。

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