Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.
每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些问题。 |
Everyone feared that the boundary dispute between these two countries would culminate in a war.
人人都担心,这两国间的边境争端将以一场战争告终。 |
Everyone feels that there is a level of income above which all consumption is frivolous.
每个人都认为存在一个(属于自己的)收入水平值,如果超过这个水平,所进行的一切消费均没有意义。 |
Everyone felt that was a memorable trip.
每个人都觉得那是一次难忘的旅行。 |
Everyone follows a tight coding standard.
每个人都必须遵守一个严格的编码标准。 |
Everyone found will be pierced through, And everyone caught will fall by the sword.
15凡被仇敌找着的,必被刺死;凡被捉住的,必倒在刀下。 |
Everyone gave a birthday present to Lily.
每个人都给丽丽一个生日礼物。 |
Everyone gawked at the smashed cars on the freeway.
每个人看到高速公路上那部撞得面目全非的车都目瞪口呆。 |
Everyone gets a present from Santa Claus on Christmas Eva.
圣诞前夜,我们每个人都从圣诞老人那儿得到了一份礼物。 |
Everyone goes to the bathroom, she told the SouthFloridaSun-Sentinel. Its center there. You have no other choicebut toread it.
“每个人都会去卫生间,资讯手册放在那里很对。你没有其它选择只有阅读它。” |
Everyone got better at imitation, intensifying the pressure to enlarge the brain still further in a kind of cerebral arms race.
等到每个人都有很强的模仿能力后,使脑子变得更大的演化压力就会加强,启动了提升脑量的军备竞赛。 |