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I fondly imagined that you cared.

I followed far behind him, saw him walking and taking a rest to recollect some strength. 我远远跟在父亲后面,看着他走走停停,以便积蓄一点力气。
I followed him up the hill. 我跟着他上山。
I followed it to see where it was going and was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. 我跟着它看它要去哪儿,当它走进一家纪念品商店时,我感到很吃惊。
I followed the instructions religiously. 我认真地按指示办事.
I followed them in the rear. 我跟在他们后面。
I fondly imagined that you cared. 我天真地以为你很在乎呢。
I fondly remember previewing his heavyweight debut against James QuickTillis for Britain's Boxing News nearly 18 years ago. 我很愉快地记得:几乎是18年前,从英国拳击新闻预览过他的首次与“快拳手”詹姆斯?蒂利斯的重量级之战。
I for one believe it all started in the rich and fragrant swamp muds, full of every kind of nutriments. 我却相信,它们开始于肥沃而芬香的沼泽泥土中,那是有着丰富的营养。
I forbade him entering the house. 我禁止他进出屋内。
I forbade him to do that. 我当时禁止他那样做的。
I forbade my son to use my car. 我不许儿子使用我的汽车。

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