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He says some troops could go home if security in the Anbar province gets better.

He says quickly using anti-viral drugs, travel restrictions and quarantines could be effective in preventing an epidemic. He says all nations need to be accountable for such measures. 他表示,迅速使用抗病毒药物、限制旅行以及施行隔离,可能会有效防止禽流感流行。他说,所有国家都有责任实施这些措施。
He says she is satisfied, but I believe the converse to be true: she is very dissatisfied. 他说她已心满意足了,不过我认为实际情况相反:她很不满意.
He says so far, Morocco, Tajikistan and Uganda support the movement and South Africa and Brazil are showing great interest. 他说,目前已经有摩洛哥、塔吉克斯坦和乌干达对这个运动表示支持,南非和巴西也表示有很大兴趣。
He says so himself on one of those interminable days when we asked him if he had any news about when we would be released. 这是在那些无尽等待的日子里,我们问他什么时候我们能被释放的时候,他自己亲口说(他也是不自由)的。
He says some of the pirate attacks in southern Somalia can be attributed to frustration over the selling of illegal fishing permits by factional leaders. 他说索马里南部有些海盗袭击源于对财政官员非法出售渔业许可证的不满。
He says some troops could go home if security in the Anbar province gets better. 他表示,如果安巴省的形势转好,部分士兵可以回国。
He says that could take a couple of yearsin some areas like Diyala. 他说像迪亚拉一样的地区要达到那种程度需要若干年。
He says that he has everything he needs in that house. 他说他们家什麽都有了啊!
He says that he is saving up to bay a house for, his family. 他说他正在储蓄,准备买座房子给家人住。
He says that his history class is for the birds. 他说他的历史课是毫无价值的。
He says that in moving into the civil state in which we are governed by the general will, we lose our natural liberty and gain civil and moral liberty. 他说在进入我们都被全意志统治的公民社会时,我们会丧失自然的自由而得到公民与道德的自由。

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