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Great surprise or amazement.

Great poet Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty, Su Shi the eminent whiter in the North Song Dynasty, patriotic poet Lu You in the South Song Dynasty, prose writer Zhang Dai in Ming and Qing Dynasties, great thinker Zhang Binglin, and modern intellectuals like Ma 唐代诗人白居易、北宋文豪苏轼、南宋爱国诗人陆游、明清文学家张岱、思想家章太炎,以及近代大儒马一浮、鲁迅、郁达夫、茅以升、夏衍等一批文人在杭州留下了珍贵的文化遗产,提高了城市的品味。
Great resource and energy wastage and heavy environment load is the characteristic of China cement industry. 摘要我国水泥工业的生产特点是资源和能源消耗较高、环境负荷较大。
Great rulers, taught Lao-tzu, simply follow Nature and the people only know of their existence. 老子教导,伟大的统治者,简单地跟随自然,人们简单地知道他们的存在。
Great spirits have alway encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. 伟大的心灵总是遭遇来自平凡人的强烈反对。
Great success in the new year! 祝你在新的一年里取得更大的成就!
Great surprise or amazement. 惊愕巨大的惊讶或惊奇
Great tits at De Hoge Veluwe National Park, a large wooded area near Visser's office, engage in their annual nesting rituals in April and May. 维瑟的办公室邻近侯格维陆威国家公园的一大片林地,这里的白颊山雀会在每年4~5月进行「筑巢仪式」。
Great trees are good for nothing but shade. 大树底下好乘凉。
Great trees keep down little ones. 大树底下,小树难长。
Great trees keep down the little ones . 大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米。
Great trouble is taken to keep our database up-to-date. 我们不辞辛苦,以保持最新数据库.

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