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All kinds of wire, wire mesh, wire mesh machine.

All kinds of resources in the university can shared and the whole level and synthetical strength of the laboratory are enhanced. 实验教学部的成立,不仅使校内各种资源达到真正共享,也使实验室的整体水平和综合实力得到了明显提升。
All kinds of special pipes and conduits (ditches), ash storage sites, wells, pumping stations, water cooling towers, oil depots, dikes and dams, railways, roads, bridges, docks, fuel loading and unloading equipment, lightening arresters, fire-fighting equ (三)、水力发电厂使用的水库、大坝、取水口、引水隧洞(含支洞口)、引水渠道、调压井(塔)、露天高压管道、厂房、尾水渠、厂房与大坝间的通讯设施及附属设施。
All kinds of stuff is running through my head now. 我这会儿脑子里想着各种各样的事情。
All kinds of the theory of domino effect, which was studied and found by the manager and the psychologist, is worthy to be exerted in the work of universtity library. 摘要管理学家、心理学家研究和发现了各种“效应”理论,这些理论在高校图书馆工作中同样有它值得借鉴的地方。
All kinds of training are turn to white-hot in society at present. 4目前社会上的各种培训趋于白热化。
All kinds of wire, wire mesh, wire mesh machine. 我们是生产各种金属丝,丝网及丝网机器的厂家。
All kingdoms must come along for the ride or perish. 一切王国都必须跟随这一浪潮,否则就是死亡。
All kings occupying the earth in the Kali Age will be wanting in tranquillity, strong in anger, taking pleasure at all times in lying and dishonesty, inflicting death on women, children, and cows, prone to take the paltry possessions of others, with chara 在卡利年代,所有占领土地的国王都欠缺宁静,强烈地愤怒,以说慌和欺诈为乐,造成妇女,儿童,牛只的死亡,倾于占有其它人微不足道的财物,主要是小人的特征,加强权力,却很快又倒台。
All knives have been banned. 所有的刀具都被禁止。
All known customers will be effectively notified before 15th September 2005 to contact the authorized MB service centre nearest to them for free inspection and the corresponding free replacements. 2005年9月15日之前有效通知所有已知客户;客户可以与离他们最近的梅赛德斯-奔驰特许服务中心取得联系并安排免费检查和更换。
All labeling shall withstand local weather. 所有管路能在所处环境下正常使用。

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