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Sony Ericsson emerges the market with its products design and leading technologies, in the current market where it becomes more consumer oriented, we are urge to top our services among competitors.

Sons of Ether: Making science more, better, faster. They just have to get out of the lab more often! 以太之子:让科学更高更快更强。该多走出实验室呼吸些空气!
Sons of Scotland! I am Willam Wallace! 苏格兰之子们,我就是威廉华莱士。
Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. 苏格兰的儿子们,我是威廉-华莱士。
Sontag\'s interpretation of the Nuba photographs finds them yet another celebration of brute strength, of fighting as man\'s spiritual mission, in some way Nazi ideals transported to Africa. 二战后,瑞芬舒丹来到鲁巴人部落,这个非洲部落举行一种仪式性的摔跤比赛,展示原始的男性样板:健美与力量,但并不杀死或羞辱失败者。
Sony Corporation is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, game, communications, key device and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. 索尼公司是世界上民用/专业视听产品、游戏产品、通讯产品和信息技术等领域的先导之一。
Sony Ericsson emerges the market with its products design and leading technologies, in the current market where it becomes more consumer oriented, we are urge to top our services among competitors. 一直以来,新力爱立信不但以产品的设计和技术领先,在要求日益严格的客户服务方面,更加力求完善,而且傲视同侪。
Sony Pictures revealed a possible new look for the hero of the upcoming Spider-Man 3 movie. 索尼影视公司公布了即将面世的电影《蜘蛛侠》续集三中蜘蛛侠可能采用的新装束。
Sony and Honda have both used humanoid robots, which are not commercially available, as a way of showing off computing power and engineering expertise. 索尼和本田都使用了拟人化机器人,这种机器人并不投入商业生产,只是为了展示制造者的计算机能力和工程技术水平。
Sony has conceded as much by promising to unveil measures this month to further reduce yen-based costs. 索尼公司也做出了同样让步,公司允诺本月将披露具体措施,进一步削减以日元计价的成本。
Sony last week claimed piracy had cost the industry $7bn in the past two years. 索尼公司上周宣称,在过去两年间,盗版给唱片行业造成的损失就达到70亿美元。
Sony officials say a production problem left very small pieces of metal that could cause a short-circuit and make a battery overheat. 索尼官员说生产问题留下了非常小的金属片就会导致短路并使电池过热。

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