This is where I blow it again. MeiMei,I implore. Please get back into bed. I\'ll be there in a minute to tuck you in.
这里又是一点我处理错事情的地方.“美美,”我说道,“赶快回去睡觉.我马上会去帮你盖好被子.” |
This is where I'll build)my settlement.
这是我将建立的地方)我的殖民. |
This is where I'll put)my settlement.
这是我将放的地方)我的殖民. |
This is where Master and Slave servers are definied. Stealth servers are intentionally omitted.
这是定义主、从服务器的地方。私密服务器被有意省略。 |
This is where Meguiar's products shine.
这就是美光的闪亮之处。 |
This is where Rotarians can make a difference.
这便是扶轮社员可以加以改变之处。 |
This is where a magnetic field changes shape and bumps into itself.
这就是磁场改变了形状然后向本身内部撞击。 |
This is where he interrupts me, after saying nothing at all. His voice is quick and angry.
这时他打断了我。然后停了一会儿什么也没说,接下来他说得很快,显得很生气。 |
This is where he lives.
这就是他居住的地方。 |
This is where it is happening!
这里是梦想实现的地方! |
This is where it sometimes gets tricky, and code authors get confused. What happens if you want a loop or a switch inside another loop or switch?
这里的内容看起来更狡猾和令人困惑.如何处理在一个分支或循环中的另一个分支或循环? |