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Japan's economic recovery is generating job growth “like a pressure cooker letting off steam”, according to a report published today.

Japan's corporate warriors aren't getting enough sleep -- and it's costing the country billions. 日本的公司职员睡眠不足,这给日本造成了上十亿的经济损失。
Japan's decision to conduct seabed resource surveys has already altered what was previously a relatively low-key approach to the territorial dispute. 日本在东海中日有争议海域进行海底资源调查已经改变了其在有关领土争端事务上相对低调的处理方式。
Japan's declining birth rate means that by 2015 more than one in four Japanese will be 65 or over, while the working population is forecast to shrink almost 10 per cent by 2030. 日本出生率的不断下降意味着,到2015年,四分之一以上的日本人口将超过65岁,到2030年,日本工作人口预计将减少近10%。
Japan's defense chief, Fukushiro Nukaga, says Tokyo wants to develop a missile-defense system together with the United States as soon as possible. 日本防卫厅长官额贺福志郎说,东京希望尽快与美国共同研制导弹防御系统。
Japan's economic interdependence with China in deepening, but the two countries are also lining up as strategic rivals. 日中之间的经济依赖日益加深,但同时,两国又是战略竞争对手。
Japan's economic recovery is generating job growth “like a pressure cooker letting off steam”, according to a report published today. 今日发表的一份报告显示,日本经济复苏正推动就业增长,“就像高压锅释放蒸汽一样”。
Japan's economic revival was finally sparked by demand from China and the US. 最终,中国和美国的需求引发了日本的经济复苏。
Japan's economy cannot be removed from the sick list until consumers start spending again. 可以说在消费开支重现活跃之前,日本经济仍处于萎靡之中。
Japan's economy is on the recovery track. 日本经济正在复苏。
Japan's envoy to the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear weapo program says there is no pro ect for an agreement during the current talks. 参加有关北韩核武问题六方会谈的日本首席谈判代表说,目前的谈判不会在解除平壤核武器方面达成协议。
Japan's envoy to the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear weapons program says there is no prospect for an agreement during the current talks. 参加有关朝鲜核武问题六方会谈的日本首席谈判代表说,目前的谈判不会在解除平壤核武器方面达成协议。

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