In 1994, PepsiCo Foods entered in China market.
1994年百事食品进入中国。 |
In 1994, President Clinton abruptly halted the nation s three-decade open-door policy for Cuban refugees.
在1994年,克林顿总统突然地停止对的三十年公开的古巴难民政策。 |
In 1994, a Harvard researcher in computational linguistics complained publicly that Loebner's prize encourages scientists to fake human behavior using cheap tricks instead of trueAI.
1994年,一位哈佛的计算语言学研究员公开抱怨说,罗布纳的奖赛是在鼓励科学家采用糊弄人的把戏来伪造人类行为,而不是采用真正的人工智能。 |
In 1994, a jury in Pensacola, Florida, convicted Paul Hill of murder for the shotgun slayings of an abortion provider and his bodyguard; Hill was sentenced to death.
1994年,一个陪审团在彭萨科拉佛罗里达判处杀害堕胎的散弹枪提供商和他保镖的希尔死刑。 |
In 1994, as we headed for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of D-day, several newspapers published a story on my fathers war record, with a snapshot of him in uniform.
1994年,我们前去庆祝诺曼底登陆50周年,几家报纸刊登了我父亲的战争记录,上面还有一张他穿军装的照片。 |
In 1994, she became president of Baosteel and in 2003, she added the Chairwoman's title to her long string of promotions.
1994年,出任宝钢集团总经理;2003年,她集宝钢集团董事长和总经理头衔于一身。 |
In 1994, the Department of Defense signed a memorandom of understanding with the Department of Justice, to transfer non-lethal weapons from the DOD to local law enforcement agencies through the National Institute of Justice.
在1994年,国防部签署了一份备忘录,关于理解司法部通过国家司法协会从国防部转移非致命武器到当地的法律执行机构。 |
In 1994, the Indian Copyright Act was amended to clearly explain the rights of a copyright holder and the penalties for infringement of copyrighted software.
1994年,印度修正了版权法案:清晰地界定了版权所有者的权利,也明确了对涉及盗版软件违法行为的处罚. |
In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought.
在1994年,40种对象的脑电波的方式官方是与所讲的单词和沉默的想法关联。 |
In 1995 a case of this serendipity occurred with my research group, then at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, N.J.
1995年,当我在美国新泽西州普林斯顿的NEC研究院工作时,我的小组就遇上这种情形。 |
In 1995 he worked as a screenwriter for television, where he learned how important and how difficult it is to tell a good story.
1995年他成了一个电视编剧,这让他懂得了讲个好故事是多么的重要和多么的困难。 |