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Abstract: This paper derives thecalculating formulas to the contact strength and oil-film thickness of the involute spur gear according to hydrodynamic lubrication principle.Through check with test,shows that they may rully replace now available Hertz for

Abstract: This paper deals with reference to the development of academic thought of biological science and theories of system, information, cybernetics, dissipative construction, coordination and mutation, in approaching those theories with excellent dige 文摘:本文根据生物科学学术思想的发展,运用系统论、信息论、控制论、耗散结构论、协同论和突变论的观点和方法,结合近代储藏物昆虫的一些研究进展进行分析,看出研究储藏产品保护基础科学的重要性及其在指导实践中的作用。
Abstract: This paper deals with the advance of micropropagation and elimination of the pathogen of witch-broom disease (Mycoplasma Like Organisms:MLO) in Chinese jujube; and according to the latest achievements in this field,summarises the experence achie 文摘:综述了枣树离体培养快速繁殖现状及脱除枣疯病原MLO的研究进展,并根据国内外最新研究成果,对已取得的经验和影响枣树离体培养的因素作了总结,指出了当前工作中存在的主要问题。
Abstract: This paper deals with the application of vacuum system for acid & alkali liquid transportation(VSAALT) in which practical problems are analyzed and the equipment selection for VSAALT is also minutely discussed. 文摘:本文结合实践介绍真空法输送酸碱液系统,着重分析实际应用中遇到的问题,并对抽真空系统的设备选型进行详细的说明。
Abstract: This paper deals with the sources and harmfulness of environmental radon,analyses the geological background of radon in the urban district of Beijing and some basic measures for preventing and reduciang radon,and emphatically points out that ind 文摘:论述了环境氡的来源、危害,着重分析了室内氡的主要来源是地基岩石、土壤,分析了北京市区氡的地质背景和防氡与降氡的一些基本措施。
Abstract: This paper deals with the test of Q235 wire through different technologies such as drawing first and hardening second or hardening first and drawing second. 文摘:对Q235钢盘条,采用先拉拔后淬火或先淬火后拉拔两种工艺方法进行试验。
Abstract: This paper derives thecalculating formulas to the contact strength and oil-film thickness of the involute spur gear according to hydrodynamic lubrication principle.Through check with test,shows that they may rully replace now available Hertz for 文摘:根据流体动力润滑原理,推导出了渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮接触强度及油膜厚度的计算公式,通过实验验证,说明它们可以完全分别代替现有的赫芝公式及通森公式。
Abstract: This paper describes a laser beam quality analyzer based on CCD, computer and MATLAB. The detailed composition, basic function and characteristics of the software are presented. 文摘:介绍了利用CCD、计算机并基于MATLAB开发的激光光束质量分析的软件,详细地介绍了该软件的组成、实现的基本功能及其特点。
Abstract: This paper describes a living project example that GD type ESP is applied on slag drier. 文摘:简述了1个GD型电除尘器在矿渣烘干机上应用的工程实例。
Abstract: This paper describes a new kind of mode field diameter measuring system of single-mode fiber.It adopts reference measuring method introduced by national standard,the far field,scan method.It has high accuracy of measurement,high speed and strong 文摘:介绍了一种新型的单模光纤模场直径测试系统,它采用国际推荐的基准测试方法——远场扫描法,具有测量精度高、速度快、抗干扰能力强和操作简单的特点,既可用于实验室中,也适合在工厂环境下使用,能够替代同类进口产品。
Abstract: This paper describes a new preparation technique of calcium iodate.At the presence of hydrochloric acid,iodine is oxidated by sodium chlorate,and then reacts with calium hydroxide.A series of constrasted experiments are made on the conditions an 文摘:介绍了以单质碘为原料,在盐酸存在下,经氯酸钠氧化,再与氢氧化钙进行中和反应制备碘酸钙的方法,并做了最佳工艺条件和不同方法的对比实验.本法具有收率较高、纯度较高、生产成本较低及反应条件易控制、设备简单、操作方便等特点.
Abstract: This paper describes an approach to compress medical images loss using second generation wavelets.We list our software simulation results,and compare the method with other compression methods.The comparison shows that this method has great poten 文摘:研究了第二代小波在医学图象无损压缩中的方法,并在计算机上用软件模拟实现了相应的算法,最后给出院实验结果以及与其他压缩方法的比较,从中可以看出这一新方法在医学图象无损压缩中具有的良好潜力和巨大的应用前景。

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