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The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit.

The implications go beyond foreign policy. 其所暗示的含义超过了对外政策。
The implications of the research do not end with the effect on angiogenesis. 这项研究的意义不会以影响血管生发为终点。
The implications of the study may be used to assist infertile women in coping with parenting roles. 根据研究结果,护理人员可提早给予接受生殖科技成功的母亲适当的咨询以因应其亲职角色,纾解亲职压力。
The implications of these discoveries are momentous. 这些发现意义十分重大。
The implications of this increment in yield on the economy of the banana grower are calculated (Fig.3). 图3计算了增产对香蕉种植者的经济效益。
The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit. 关于赤字的暗示的暗示不明确。
The implode() function returns a string from the elements of an array. 函数的作用是:将数组元素组合为字符串输出。
The impolite man seldom respect others. 粗鲁无礼的人是其行为很少尊重别人的人.
The import and export goods are permitted by the State shall be subject to import and export duties by the Customs according to the Import and Export Tariffs of the People's Republic of China. 中华人民共和国准许进出口的货物,除国家另有规定的以外,应当由海关按照《中华人民共和国海关进出口税则》征收进口或者出口税。
The import decline from these suppliers was balanced by a double digit increase of imports from six Asian countries. 来自这些供应国的进口缩减被来自六个亚洲国家双倍进口增长所平衡。
The import material and modern craft art of this product adoption connect to match but become, environmental protection, economy energy, safety enduring, have monochrome(red, yellow, green, blue, white) and mix a color and change countenance, is the best 本产品采用进口材料与现代工艺美术相接合而成,环保、节能、安全耐用,有单色(红、黄、绿、蓝、白)、混色和变色,是节日和城市夜景美化的最佳产品。

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