Granted Right and Granted Power: on the Basic Functions of Law Norm |
中文意思: 授予权力与授予权利:法律规范的基本功能 |
Good golfer is good businessman
好球手就是好商人? |
Good science foundation and tradition in France, the tolerant custom, philosophic positive were beneficial to Madame Curie's research work.
法国良好的科学基础及传统,宽容的风气,实证主义积极影响益于居里夫人的科研工作,而法国社会对女性的歧视,法国政府不当的科研政策,实证主义负面影响则使其在科研中经历诸多磨难。 |
Got nothing,Short of nothing-the city Nuns in the 90's
什么都没有,什么都不缺——90年代的都市修女 |
Grade : forward limb clonus besides grade ;
级,级加前肢阵挛; |
Grammaticalization has its cognitive grounds.
虚化在认知上是有理据的。 |
Granted Right and Granted Power: on the Basic Functions of Law Norm
授予权力与授予权利:法律规范的基本功能 |
Granular computing(GrC) is a new research field in artificial intelligence,and it covers all research relate to granular,including the theory,method,technique and skill.
粒度计算(Granular Computing,GrC)是新近兴起的人工智能研究领域的一个方向,它覆盖了所有有关粒度的理论、方法、技术和工具的研究。 它是词计算理论、粗糙集理论、商空间理论、区间计算等的超集。 |
Grassland of high grade and meddle grade were . % respectively, and low grade was 7. %.
优等和良等草场各占 . %,低等草场占7. %; |
Gray Leaf Spot(GLS) of Maize,caused by the fungus Cecrospora zeae-maydis Tehon & Daniels,was first observed in Alexander state and Illinois state in 9.It takes place in the United States now.
玉米灰斑病是由玉蜀黍尾孢菌(Cecrosporazeae-maydisTehon&Daniels)引起的一种病害,最早于9年在美国亚历山大州和伊利诺斯州发现,该病现在美国普遍发生。 |
Greative Competence and Mathematical Legible Structure
创造力与数学认知结构 |
Green shell egg Fowl rooster crossing with Taihe Silky Fowl hen or Langshan Fowl hen,soever cocks' or hens' of F generation Skin colour is black.
以青壳蛋鸡公鸡为父本 ,泰和鸡、狼山鸡母鸡为母本 ,F代肤色无论公鸡母鸡都是黑色 |