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Perhaps the most profound change in the long transition from Stone Age to information age revolves around our subjective experience of time.

Perhaps the most felicitous of the film's many outstanding visual effects is the elimination of the recently built flying saucer-like addition to the venerable stadium. 可能这部影片突出的视觉效果就在于它非常巧妙地排除了近期在一些影片增加飞着的托碟一样地增加古老大型运动场的场景。
Perhaps the most important quality is commitment, but other factors, such as immersion are also significant. 比如“沉浸法”,沉浸是指深深地陷入某事。
Perhaps the most likely explanation is that, by context or direct association, some brands add something more to natural product categories than do others. 或许最可能的解释是,通过上下文联系或者直接关联,一些品牌在自然品牌分类上面添加了比其他品牌更多的东西。
Perhaps the most obvious differences between the two dialects are differences in pronunciation. 也许,这两种方言间存在的最明显的差异是发音上。
Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. 参加体育运动或许是最流行的方式。
Perhaps the most profound change in the long transition from Stone Age to information age revolves around our subjective experience of time. 从石器时代到资讯时代的漫长转型期间,最深远的变化也许以我们对时间的主观感受为主。
Perhaps the most promising method, from a biochemical point of view, would be to use glucose, a sugar common in food. 从生物化学的角度来讲,最有希望的制造方法可能是使用果糖,因为这是一种在食物中常见的糖。
Perhaps the most psychologically dramatic and potent secretion of these glands is the psychedelic drug DMT (which is synthesized by the pineal gland, corresponding to the brow chakra). 当然,由这些腺体分泌的不同荷尔蒙真的对人的心理有戏剧性的作用,而成为一体的不平衡能够导致一个人心理上或身体上的不平衡。
Perhaps the most serious is its attempt to establish a necessary condition for the sustainability of human society in terms of the single dimension of biologically productive land area. 最严重的也许是:它想以一个单维度的变量为人类社会的永续建立一个必要条件,那个变量就是具有生物生产力的土地面积。
Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common . 最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。
Perhaps the most striking image is this perfect, miniature unborn elephant. 这张在母象子宫中的象宝宝照片影像非常清晰,视觉效果令人难忘。

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