The fact that the river is the longest navigable river in the country has been shaping its destiny for centuries.
旺格努伊河是这个国家最长的可通航河流,这个事实几百年以来一直都在铸就着它的命运。 |
The fact that the shift in Tc was a little larger than the simple prediction can be accommodated by BCS theory—it indicates that the boron vibrations are more important to the superconductivity than the magnesium vibrations [see box on page 87].
虽然这个温度偏移比理论值稍微大了一点,不过还是符合BCS理论的结果:在影响硼化镁超导性的因素中,硼的振动比镁的振动更重要(参见107页〈结构与键结〉)。 |
The fact that the storm stands out against the subtle banding of Saturn at visible wavelengths suggests that the storm's cloud tops are relatively high in the atmosphere.
事实上在可看见光波段揭示了由土星上细微条纹衬托出的风暴其云顶比周围的区域显著要高。 |
The fact that the system uses a file mapping really doesn't affect you much except that it has the side effect of making you be careful later on about when you allow your driver to be unmapped.
事实上系统使用一个文件映射并不真正的影响你,除了在某一方面的结果:稍候当你允许你的驱动被非映射的时候,使得你仔细些。 |
The fact that the two major outflow glaciers had shown the same sudden acceleration despite being more than 300km apart suggested the cause was not local.
两条入海的主要冰河相隔三百公里以上,却同样出现突然加速的情况,显示其原因并非局限一隅。 |
The fact that the voltage vector on the weak feed backside and that at fault location have approximately the same directions on transmission lines motivates to analyze the relationships among the voltage sequence components for different faults, and to pr
摘要针对输电线路弱馈侧母线稳态电压向量和故障点电压向量之间基本同向的特点,通过对输电线路各种短路故障情况下电压序分量关系的分析,提出了基于稳态电压序分量间相位关系和幅值关系的选相新原理。 |
The fact that there is no precise or single viewpoint is still appealing: it refers to a loose movement, but I would not like to see architecture merely as a multiplicity of surface but of spaces as well.
这种否定单视点和精确视点的观点关注不加明确限制的运动(译者按:即在自由运动中对建筑的感受),但是我不愿意把建筑看成表皮的集合,宁愿看成是空间的集合。 |
The fact that there was no hardship or inequalities in societies meant there was no war and crime.
社会里没有困难或不平等的事实,换句话说就是没有战争以及犯罪。 |
The fact that these guys are shooting worse and worse is an indictment of interior defense.
这些人投篮越来越差是内线防守的恶果。 |
The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression“anti-hegemony”is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists.
他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。 |
The fact that they have remained relatively unchanged since prehistoric times is incredible to me.
事实上从史前时期它们保持相对的无变化,这让我很不可思议。 |