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Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to recognize them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.

Animals spend 95% of their time in their cages and refinement also means making their lives better when not undergoing tests. 被试验的动物一生中95%的时间是在笼子里度过的,因此条件的改善也意味着使它们在不被用来试验时活得更好一些。
Animals such as dogs and cats also have conspicuous outer ears, but few of us probably ever stopped to think whether there might be such a thing as a middle and inner ear beneath those point tips. 诸如猫和狗这样的动物也有引人注目的外耳,但很少人能够停下来去想,在竖立的尖儿下面,是否有类似于中耳和内耳的东西。
Animals such as dogs and cats also have conspicuous outer ears, but few of us probably ever stopped to think whether there might be such a thing as a middle and inner ear beneath those pointed tips. 诸如猫和狗这样的动物也有引人注目的外耳,但很少人能够停下来去想,在竖立的尖儿下面,是否那里也有类似于中耳和内耳的东西。
Animals that are usually solitary interact in ways not completely understood, all the while waiting for the bay to freeze over. 在等待海湾全面结冰的日子里,这些惯于独来独往的动物,以一种人们不太了解的方式相互影响着。
Animals that develop allergies when they are young are then likely to develop more as they get older, although a dog would not get many new allergies unless you moved to a new geographical location which carried new allergens. 开发过敏的动物当他们是年轻然后可能开发更多因为他们变老,虽然狗不会得到许多新过敏除非您搬走了向运载新变态反应原的一个新地理位置。
Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to recognize them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers. 对于尝过的不好吃的植物,动物倾向于根据他的最显著的特征,比如花,在以后认出他们。
Animals that receied transplants essentially regained control of their moement, placebo-treated animals did not recoer and those that receied neurotrophic factors, called stem cell factors, recoered partially. 接受移植的动物基本上能恢复对运动的控制,接受安慰剂的动物不能恢复而接受神经营养因子的,也就是干细胞因子的,则能部分恢复。
Animals that received transplants essentially regained control of their movement, placebo-treated animals did not recover and those that received neurotrophic factors, called stem cell factors, recovered partially. 接受移植的动物基本上能恢复对运动的控制,接受安慰剂的动物不能恢复而接受神经营养因子的,也就是干细胞因子的,则能部分恢复。
Animals use touch to communicate in many ways. 动物们也可以通过触摸进行多种交流。
Animals were prevented from evolving wheels, the biologists reasoned, by the following dilemma: living cells in an animal's body are connected to the heart by blood vessels, and to the brain by nerves. 生物学家们推论,动物没有进化出轮子是由下述困难所致:动物身上的活细胞通过血管与心脏相连,通过神经与大脑相连。
Animals who can't born enough babies ,the kind of the animals will die out . 一个动物物种如果不能在每一代生育足够数量的后代,那它就要灭绝.

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