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By doing so one seriously risks reducing it in the end to little more than a sophisticated ancient system of humanistic psychotherapy.

By diving I could evade the bullets and, swimming vigorously, reach the bank, take to the woods and get away home. 上帝保佑,我家还没有卷入战线,我妻子孩子还在侵略者推进地区之外。”
By documents and practical anatomy were applied to study acupoints' safety depth and placing needle technic. 因此本文从文献与实际解剖来探讨针刺安全深度与针刺手法角度,希望防止针刺意外事故的发生。
By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his class-mates. 他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上名列前茅。
By doing just a little extra homework each day, the girl got well ahead of the rest of the.class. 这个了小女孩只是由于每天做了一点额外作业,其成绩就超过了班上其他的孩子。
By doing so much to publicize his creation, Davis has made Garfield the most prominent and widely-loved cartoon cat in history. 戴维斯为宣传自己的创作不遗余力,使得加菲猫成为历史上最知名、最受欢迎的漫画猫。
By doing so one seriously risks reducing it in the end to little more than a sophisticated ancient system of humanistic psychotherapy. 那样做的严重危险是,最终把佛法缩减至略胜于一门复杂、古老而人道的心理疗法。
By doing so they show that they can and will confirm to the authority that governs that body. 通过这样做,他们向团体的领导者表明他们能够并且愿意遵从领导。
By doing so, Marx's theory of Production Force has been destroyed in theory, the relation between man and nature has become worse and worse, and there is a lack of world-view basis on which the sustainable development view is formed which is the guiding p 这种片面理解在理论上肢解了马克思主义的生产力理论,在实践上加剧了人与自然关系的恶化,在指导思想上抽掉了可持续发展观的世界观基础。
By doing so, Motorola's brand has become a household name in China. 正因为如此,摩托罗拉品牌才得以在中国家喻户晓。
By doing so, parents can be a better judge of the child's development. 父母都可以了解及掌握孩子成长状况。
By doing so, the participatory relationship in the multi-group collaborative system can be controlled. 研究成果如下:(一)定义数种参与指标以便分析参与关系。

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