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Researchers said these differences may have a basis in evolution in which females developed a preference for reddish colors associated with riper fruit and healthier faces.

Researchers recently videotaped couples in Paris and London cafes and counted the number of times touched each other in one hour. 研究人员最近对在巴黎和伦敦咖啡馆中的情侣们摄了像,并计算了他们在一个小时中相互触摸的次数。
Researchers recommend checking references and administering personality tests to weed out those who are really low on agreeableness and emotional stability. 他们建议,可以通过审核应聘人员推荐信和进行人格测试的方法来剔除那些“不合群、情绪不稳定”的候选者。
Researchers removed the testes of young adult male mice and over several months, treated some with a testosterone hormone and others with a placebo. 研究者切除了一些年轻成年雄性小鼠的睾丸,几个月后,用睾酮激素治疗其中一部分,另一部分为安慰剂组。
Researchers said the findings were partly related to better education and higher occupational social class, but it remained statistically significant after adjusting for these factors. 研究人员说,这有一部分和更好的教育及更高的职场社会阶级有关,但在经过这些因素调整后,这些统计数字仍是有意义的。
Researchers said the zircon's high level of heavy oxygen isotopes suggest it was cooled by surface water after it formed. 研究人员说锆石的高标准重氧同位素暗示了它形成之后靠地表水来冷却。
Researchers said these differences may have a basis in evolution in which females developed a preference for reddish colors associated with riper fruit and healthier faces. 研究者称这些区别可能基于进化过程,女性偏爱略带红色的颜色,并且跟长熟的水果和健康的脸色联系起来。
Researchers said they came to this conclusion after watching how elephants on a Kenyan game reserve behaved towards a matriarch(3) who fell ill and died. 研究人员说他们是在观察了肯尼亚保护区里的大象如何对待病逝的“女家长”后得出这一结论的。
Researchers said they hoped the device could be used to study cognitive issues related to other disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. 研究人员则希望通过这种装置,能够研究和认知问题相关的其它疾病,例如阿尔茨海默症。
Researchers say distractions that occur during the learning classes(process),become a tango(entangled) with (what was) learned,so that one might actually need the distraction in order to remember.It's a form of learning called habit learning. 研究员表示,当在学习过程中被其他事情分散了注意力,那么它们就会与学习的内容被一起记忆下来.以至今后必须要借助那些事情才能回忆起学习的内容.我们称这种学习方式为习惯性学习.
Researchers say grey nurse sharks are critically endangered in waters off New South Wales and Queensland and have suggested relocating some specimens from Western Australia, or Africa, to boost the gene pool. 悉尼麦加里大学的生物学家们指出,澳大利亚新南威尔士州和昆士兰州沿海中的沙锥齿鲨正濒临灭绝,建议从澳大利亚西部或非洲引进一些沙锥齿鲨以保证其正常繁殖。
Researchers say it may take far less exercise than people had thought to lower the risk of heart disease especially for the highest risk group, middle-aged men. 研究人员表示,想要减低罹患心脏病的机率,并不像一般人所认为的要做许多运动,尤其是针对高危险群的中年男人而言。

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