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Ever since the Scopes Monkey trial in 1925, evangelicals had shunned the national political scene.

Ever since the 16th National Congress of the CPC, the concept of Scientific Development, the strategic guide for the development of China, has been carried out by the Party's Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary. 摘要科学发展观是党的“十六大”以来以胡锦涛总书记为首的党中央创造性地提出的关于我国发展的战略指导思想。
Ever since the 3rd dynasty drinking it while eating bread was considered a good omen. 早在第三王朝,喝酒吃面包被视为是吉兆。
Ever since the Atlantic Monthly's crossword puzzle disappeared from the print magazine over a year ago, its fans have been complaining loudly. 自从印刷杂志被消失的大西洋的月刊拼字游戏至今在一年前,它的狂热者一直大声地抱怨之上。
Ever since the Egyptians started knocking pins down with a ball 5,200 years ago, people have been enjoying the fun and social game of bowling. 自从埃及人在5200年前开始用球击倒木瓶以来,人们一直很喜爱保龄球这种有趣的社交游戏。
Ever since the Great Culture Revolution, we've built a reservoir and a power plant in our commune. 文化大革命以来,我们公社里建造了一个水库和一所发电站。
Ever since the Scopes Monkey trial in 1925, evangelicals had shunned the national political scene. 自从1925年发生”美国猴子案件“以来,福音教派就一直规避国内的政治圈子。
Ever since the United States was young,schoolchildren have had learn their three R~s. Readin~ and ~ritin~ are certainly very important. 美国曾经是个年轻的国家,学龄儿童必须学习三大课程:读、写和算(术)。读和写的学习当然是非常重要的。
Ever since the Volkswagen Company was set up in Jiading, Jiading has been changing for the better with each passing day. 自上海大众落户嘉定的那一天起,嘉定的发展日新月异。
Ever since the accident, Albert has been a vegetable. 自从那次事故以后,艾伯特就成了植物人。
Ever since the cleaver photographer took his picture and spread all around, people worshipped him and he became a holy big guy. 自从聪明的摄影师把他发光的样子拍成照片广为散布之后,他就受到万民膜拜成了大人物。
Ever since the end of the Second World War, England has become a much more cosmopolitan place. 自从二次大战结束以来,英国变得越来越国际化,除了游客外,还有很多入籍亚裔人,包括中国人。

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