General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a mobile data service available to users of GSM mobile phones.
一般的小包收音机服务(整合封包无线电服务)是GSM行动电话的使用者能得到的维修的一笔移动的数据。 |
General Patton never falters in his determination.
巴顿将军从不动摇他的决心。 |
General Pervez Musharraf was swift and unequivocal in his condemnation of the horror.
孟买袭击发生后,穆沙拉夫将军迅速地、毫不含糊的谴责了这种恐怖行径。 |
General Pick led the first convoy out of Ledo, bound for Kunming, China on January 12, 1945 -- 113 vehicles (heavy cargo trucks, jeeps, and ambulances).
1945年1月12日,皮克将军率领着第一支车队自利多出发驶往中国的昆明—113辆车(重型载货卡车、吉普车和救护车)。 |
General Pittard noted, in particular progress in the Iraqi National Police, which was heavily infiltrated by militia elements.
将军说到,以前被叛乱分子严重渗透的伊拉克国家警察部队取得了长足的进步。 |
General Pittard noted, in particular, progress in the Iraqi National Police, which was heavily infiltrated by militia elements.
他说像迪亚拉一样的地区要达到那种程度需要若干年。 |
General Pittard, who was an operational commander in Diyala two years ago, says he was saddened during a visit the provincial capital Baquba, early Monday, when he saw many of the development projects he worked on lying in shambles.
将军是两年前在D作战的指挥官,他表示当他周一早晨访问省会B时,看见他许多曾努力过的发展项目变成一片狼藉时,心里很难受。 |
General Pittard, who was an operational commander in Diyala two years ago, says he was saddened during a visit to the provincial capital Baquba, early Monday, when he saw many of the development projects he worked on lying in shambles.
将军两年前曾任迪亚拉地区的作战指挥官,他称在周一早些时候参观省府巴库巴,当他看到他以前从事的发展项目一片混乱时,他十分难过。 |
General Purpose LDPE film modifier:Degradable garbage bags which generate less heat, flat yarn, inner film for laminated.
LDPE膜泛用型改质剂:如发热量低之环保垃圾袋、薄膜扁纱、包装膜内衬膜、购物袋及胶布等。 |
General Secretary Jiang Zemin,on behalf of the 15th Party Central Committee,delivered a keynote report at the opening session.
江泽民总书记代表党的第15届中央委员会在第一天会议上作了重要(主旨)报告。 |
General Secretary Yao reported the reason for carrying out Made in China Webrand and kinds of the enterprise audit standings to Ministry Yue, he expressed his confidence and will: Made in China Webrand is the window for Made in China going aboard, cannot
姚秘书长当即把协会对于“中国制造走出国门上网品牌”活动的创办宗旨和各项审核标准向岳公使作了阐述,对于此次活动,协会是将其作为中国制造企业走向世界的窗口,是绝对马虎不得的一项事业,我们有信心、有能力将其打造成让全世界采购商认可的模式,为中国制造争回面子! |