The NASA team had hoped Spirit would find equally clear signs on the ground: things like the sort of rounded pebbles or boulders found in terrestrial river beds, ripples in the sand, or rocks built up over time by the deposit of sediments from water.
NASA的工作人员希望“勇气号”能在地面上找到对等的痕迹,如:河床上的圆形鹅卵石或漂石,沙滩上的波纹,经过长时间由水中沉淀物沉积而成的石头。 |
The NASCAR season is about to get under way with the 49th running of the Daytona 500.
在阿富汗的直升机坠机中,8名美国服务行业人员遇难14名受伤。 |
The NASDAQ composite index saw a gain of more than 500% from 1995 to early 2000.
纳斯达克综指在1995年至2000年初经理了超过500%的巨大增长。 |
The NASDAQ is one such computerized stock exchange.
纳斯达克就是一个股票交易电算化系统。 |
The NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and Practice conference promotes the understanding of problems of learning and generalization.
“北大西洋公约组织先进学习机构”所主办的“学习理论与实际应用”研讨会能让人们更加了解“学习”及“归纳整理”方面的问题。 |
The NATO force in Afghanistan is harrying the Taliban in the south and can certainly protect Kabul.
北约驻阿富汗的部队不断扫荡南方的塔利班部队,保卫喀布尔并无大碍。 |
The NATO-led force now in place will remain.
由北约领导的军队将予以适当保留。 |
The NATO-led forces are trying to drive Taliban fighters from the district of Panjwai near Kandahar city in an offensive called “Operation Medusa”.
北约组织领导的部队正试图在一次代号为“美杜莎行动”的进攻中将塔利班士兵从坎大哈城附近的本杰瓦尔区驱逐出去。 |
The NBA at 50 is hosted by Academy Award winner Denzel Washington and contains more than 100 interviews with basketball legends and their coaches.
由丹苏华盛顿(都认识吧?)主持,包含超过100个对传奇巨星和教练的访谈。 |
The NBA final of 1998 was a cliff-hanger. Michael Jordan saved Chicago Bull at the last minute and helped the team win the sixth championship.
1998年的NBA是一场扣人心弦的比赛。迈克尔·乔丹在最后一分钟拯救了芝加哥公牛队,并帮助此队获得了第六次冠军。 |
The NBA overturned Sura's third straight triple-double on Tuesday, saying he wouldn't get credit for a rebound that came just before the buzzer when he intentionally missed a layup.
NBA星期二否决了苏拉的连续第三个三双记录,表示不会承认他在比赛结束前故意雷阿普不进后摘下的“进攻蓝板”。) |