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After much deliberation the unanimous choice was Dennis Wise and his assistant Gus Poyet,Bates declared. I am aware that he may not be everybody's cup of tea but this is not a popularity contest.

After he is cleansed, seven days shall elapse for him. 结44:26祭司洁净之后、必再计算七日。
After he'd had a few drinks, Charles became very expansive. 查尔斯喝了几杯酒,话就滔滔不绝了。
After he'd had a few drinks, Charles became very expansive. 查尔斯喝了几杯酒,话就滔滔不绝了。
After it discharged its cargo of coal, the ship left for Tokyo. 轮船卸了装载的煤以后就去东京了。
After many adventures, which it would he tedious to relate, I was sent to a young spendthrift, in company with the will of his deceased father. 在走过许多历险之后——要把这些历险都说出来还真是冗长烦人——我被送进了一位挥霍无度的年轻人手中,一起的还有他去世的父亲立下的遗嘱。
After much deliberation the unanimous choice was Dennis Wise and his assistant Gus Poyet,Bates declared. I am aware that he may not be everybody's cup of tea but this is not a popularity contest. 贝茨表示:对怀斯和波耶特的任命是经过了深思熟虑后的一致决定,我想可能很多人并不喜欢他(怀斯),但是这不是喜欢不喜欢的问题,而是关系到选出一个合适的人来解决目前的难题。
After much trial and error, we found a formula which fitted,wrote Tench, who had nothing to do with the Brown case but discovered the italicized letters when studying the ruling. 坦奇并未插手布朗一案,但他在阅读判决书时发现了那些斜体字母,他写道:“经过反复试验后,我们发现有个公式恰好可用来破译法官的密码。”
After our defeat by Italy he told me we could be proud of the way we'd played. It definitely came across that he was the manager who wanted me most. “当我们被意大利击败后,他告诉我我们应该为我们踢球的方式感到自豪。毫无疑问,他使最希望得到我的主教练。”
After that you will go to Gibeah of God, where there is a Philistine outpost. 5此后你到神的山,在那里有非利士人的防兵。
After the Coppa tie this season, (president) Claudio Lotito congratulated me on my performance,said Concetti. I replied, jokingly, that I would love to return to Lazio. 在打完这个赛季的比赛后,洛蒂托为我的表现向我祝贺,孔塞蒂说道,我再重复一遍,说句玩笑话(????),我愿意回到拉齐奥.
After the adjustment of the cutoff point, the number of taxpayers will drop by more than a half, approximately. “在起征点调整之后,缴纳个人所得税的人数将减少大约多于一半。”

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