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Device applications of physical phenomena are considered, including electrical conductivity and doping, transistors, photodetectors and photovoltaics, luminescence, light emitting diodes, lasers, optical phenomena, photonics, ferromagnetism, and magnetore

Deviation from these expectations could result in staff intervention, parent contact and/or suspension in office. 如有学生违反学生守则,校方会通知家长,严重者可处以停学或退学处分。
Deviation in aviation is dangerous. Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation. 在航空过程中的不符合是危险的。写被关于缩写通过偏见减轻。
Deviation report to QAIC and TPRS. 向QAIC和TPRS汇报质量差异报告。
Deviations are level bites, extra premolars, missing incisors, premolars and/or back molars, and poor occlusion. 水平咬合,多出的臼齿,缺失门齿、小臼齿及后面的臼齿,和闭合不正都属于缺陷。
Device Processing : Etching. Surface passivation; dielectric films. 元件制程:蚀刻,表面钝化,介电材料薄膜。
Device applications of physical phenomena are considered, including electrical conductivity and doping, transistors, photodetectors and photovoltaics, luminescence, light emitting diodes, lasers, optical phenomena, photonics, ferromagnetism, and magnetore 包括电导性及掺杂,电晶体、光侦测器及光伏特计,萤光、发光二极体、雷射、光学现象、光电子学、铁磁性及磁阻性等物理现象之元件应用。
Device can spill water; install where spillage is not objectionable. 装置可能会喷溅水,要安装在喷溅不会产生危害的地方。
Device drivers are either polling or interrupt-driven, with the latter being more generally preferred. 设备驱动程序不是轮询的就是中断驱动的,后一种越来越成为首选的。
Device layout of refrigerating, freeze disinfecting, keep warm in the dining room etc is complete. 食堂冷藏、冷冻消毒、保温等设备配置齐全。
Device that functions as both a router and bridge. 具有网桥和路由器两者功能的设备。
Device that sends out lethal infrasonic sound wares to cause the internal organs of the human body to vibrate, displacing,distorting and rupturing them, and even resulting in death. 发出次声波来杀伤人的武器。次声波能引起人体内脏共振,使内脏发生位移和形变,功能损坏,甚至造成人死亡。

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