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Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1) Studly programmer 2) numero uno? With the 3) ponytail and nose ring?

Dave: Whoa. Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer. 戴夫:哇。这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了。
Dave: With InfoKing? No, thanks. 戴夫:去“资讯王”?免了吧,多谢。
Dave: Yeah? Which one was that? 戴夫:是吗?是哪一封?
Dave: You do 1) realize that it isn't 2) humanly possible for us to finish by next week? 戴夫:你知道要我们在下星期前就绪,这非人所能及吧?
Dave: You don't have to yell, Zina. I'm just one 1) cubicle away. 戴夫:你不必用喊的,吉娜。我才离你一个隔间而已。
Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1) Studly programmer 2) numero uno? With the 3) ponytail and nose ring? 戴夫:你不认识艾文?那个头好壮壮,叫我第一名的程序设计师?绑马尾穿鼻环的那个?
Dave: You know. Big brain. 戴夫:你知道嘛,就是头好壮壮。
Dave: You miss me, don't you? 戴夫:你很想我,对不对?
Dave: You think he's the one? 戴夫:你觉得那个人就是他?
Dave: You've got everyone 3) figured out, don't you? 戴夫:你对每个人都了若指掌,是吧?
Dave: Zina? Zina the Snake? 戴夫:吉娜?诈包吉娜?

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