Topics cover: in income determination; balance sheet and statement of cash flow; the role of financial analysis for valuation, cash flow analysis and credit risk analysis; the role of financial information for contracting; understanding of analysis of Inv |
中文意思: 主题涵盖:收益决定;平衡表和现金流报表,财务分析在评估中的角色,现金流量分析和信用风险分析;财务信息在订约中的角色;理解存货、现金分析;应受帐款;金融证券;租约的各种金融报表;业主权益。 |
Topical therapy with eardrops is as important as local care with cleaning, drying and antiseptic solution, ointment or powders.
对于耳滴剂的选择,应视病人的耳道情况,选择合适且较不具毒性的耳滴剂,并配合耳部局部治疗的施行。 |
Topics addressed include: Dependency, Development, and Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism; The Political Consequences of Market-Oriented Reform in Venezuela; The Mexican Peso Crisis; Transitions from Authoritarian Rule in the Southern Cone; Civil-Military Rela
主题包含依赖理论、发展理论和官僚威权主义;委内瑞拉市场导向改革的政治结果;墨西哥披索危机;南半球的威权体制转型;军文关系;民主化的局限;拉丁美洲的政党及选举;宗教、政治动员和市民社会以及革命等议题。 |
Topics and examples are chosen from a wide range of materials, from classical antiquity to today.
而议题和例子的範围涵盖了古典时期到现代。 |
Topics atmosphere, exquisite cut workers.
题材大气,琢工精致。 |
Topics cover: in income determination; balance sheet and statement of cash flow; the role of financial analysis for valuation, cash flow analysis and credit risk analysis; the role of financ-ial information for contracting; understanding of analysis of In
主题涵盖:收益决定;平衡表和现金流报表,财务分析在评估中的角色,现金流量分析和信用风险分析;财务信息在订约中的角色;理解存货、现金分析;应收账款;金融证券;租约的各种金融报表;所有人权益。 |
Topics cover: in income determination; balance sheet and statement of cash flow; the role of financial analysis for valuation, cash flow analysis and credit risk analysis; the role of financial information for contracting; understanding of analysis of Inv
主题涵盖:收益决定;平衡表和现金流报表,财务分析在评估中的角色,现金流量分析和信用风险分析;财务信息在订约中的角色;理解存货、现金分析;应受帐款;金融证券;租约的各种金融报表;业主权益。 |
Topics covered include crystal structure and band theory, density functional theory, a survey of properties of metals and semiconductors, quantum Hall effect, phonons, electron phonon interaction and superconductivity.
内容包括了晶体结构和能带理论,密度泛函理论,金属和半导体特性概论,量子霍尔效应,声子,电子-声子的相互作用以及超导电性。 |
Topics covered include hydrostatics, transverse stability, and the incorporation of the design spiral into one's working methods.
涵盖主题包括静水力学,横向稳定性,以及将设计螺旋融会到个人的工作方法中。 |
Topics covered include the changing social contract at work, integrating work and family, managing diversity, managing strategic labor-management partnerships, and managing relations between the firm and its multiple stakeholders.
主题包括:职场社会契约的兴革、工作与家庭的整合、多元化管理、策略结盟之劳力管理顾问公司的管理,企业与其多重利害关系人间关系的管理等。 |
Topics covered include the universality of the collection, serving as the national library, collection development in the digital age, the beginning of the Asian collection, the organization of the Asian Division, building a comprehensive Asian collection
内容包括馆藏的普遍性,国家图书馆的角色,数位时代馆藏发展,亚洲馆藏的开始,亚洲部的组织,创建一个包罗丰富的亚洲馆藏,海外采购部门,亚洲馆藏的数位化,及国会图书馆最近发起创建一个世界数位图书馆的建议。 |
Topics covered include: crystal lattices, electronic energy band structures, phonon dispersion relatons, effective mass theorem, semiclassical equations of motion, and impurity states in semiconductors, band structure and transport properties of selected
被覆盖的论题包括:晶格、电子能带结构、声子色散关系、有效质量理论、半经典运动方程和半导体中的非纯态、选择性半导体的带结构和输运性质固体量子理论与准费米能级以及用于器件建模的玻兹曼输运理论之间的联系。 |