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Alson Wong &Edwin Hou (Chairman and Vice-chair of Stanley Dragon Boat Assn) acted as IDBF race officials in the 5th World Championships in Shanghai in October 2004.

Also,Mong Kok Center is a high quality office building. 旺角中心是一幢优质商业大厦。
Also,do not overlook the fact that other employees or executives will be walking throung the reception room. 同时,不要忽视这样一个事实:其他员工和行政人员也会穿过接待室.
Also,growing awareness and demand for environment-friendliness and practicality has led MBC to integrate its expertise in magnetic coating and semiconductor component high-density mounting technology to make rechargeable lithium ion batteries more efficie 随着人们在环境和谐及产品实用性方面的意识不断增强,MBC集合自身在镀磁、半导体元件高密度封装方面的技术专长,制造出能效更高、性能更可靠、体积更小的锂离子可充电池。
Also,is there any rent-free period? 同时,有没有免租期呢?
Also: Neil Warnock will today quit as boss of Sheffield United...Javier Mascherano has urged the Premiership to forget the politics - and instead celebrate the fact that a big club like West Ham has retained top-flight status. 另外:沃尔诺克今天将结束谢联教练的职位马斯切拉诺急切的希望联赛忽略政见,转而为象西汉姆一样的大俱乐部能留在顶级联赛欢呼。
Alson Wong &Edwin Hou (Chairman and Vice-chair of Stanley Dragon Boat Assn) acted as IDBF race officials in the 5th World Championships in Shanghai in October 2004. 2004年世界龙舟锦标赛在上海举行,赤柱龙舟协会两位正副主席有幸获邀担任国际龙联(IDBF)特邀工作人员。
Also,the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death. 借用死亡笔记的人不能做死神眼交易。
Alston failed to complete the course and an arrest warrant was issued. 他没有完成这个课程所以逮捕令生效,他最后刑满释放。
Alston shot an atrocious 37.9% from the floor and just 32.7% from three-point country, marking his fourth straight year of decline from beyond the arc. 街霸糟糕到让人难以忍受的37.9%的投篮命中率和32.7%的三分球命中率,与之伴随着的是四年中又一年的命中率下降。
Alston's steals are the second most in team history and the team's 20 steals are also the second best in franchise history. 斯通的9次抢断在球队历史上排第二,而全队的20次抢断在全队历史上也排第二。
Alt Alter, 转换键。

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