Sharks feed on smaller fish.
鲨鱼以小鱼为食。 |
Sharma said they had talked about Indian traditions and also the great influence of Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of peace and non-violence.
沙玛说他们交流了“印度传统和圣雄甘地对印度的深远影响,还有甘地的一套和平非暴力的哲学”。 |
Sharma was finally caught at a recent tournament when officials discovered that he had stitched a Bluetooth device in a cloth cap which he always pulled over his ears.
在前不久举行的一次比赛中,夏尔马终于露馅了。当时那些官员们注意到他总是用一顶布制帽子遮住自己的耳朵,经过检查,人们发现一个手机蓝牙通讯装置被其缝在了帽子的内部。 |
Sharon Pintey: I think it might have something to do with their ability to see beauty in everything.
我觉得这样能够利用他们的天分去领略所有美丽的东西。 |
Sharon Stone and Madonna are turning 40.
莎朗史东和麦当娜都已踏进四十之年。 |
Sharon Stone has been released from a hospital after being treated for more than a week for bleed ing on her brain.
莎朗·斯通日前因脑部出血入院进行治疗,目前已出院回家休养。据医生讲,莎朗·斯通的神经系统完好无恙,完全可以正常地生活和工作。 |
Sharon also appears to be close to passing in the coming year or so and this will end the struggle between two ancestries that have warred upon one another for eons of time.
沙龙看样子也将在明年左右去世,这将结束两个祖先相互战争了无数代的对抗。 |
Sharon and Terry have been going out (together) for six weeks.
沙伦和特里两人谈情说爱已经有六个星期了. |
Sharon is an easy-going person. She just goes with the flow.
沙伦是个随和的人。人家怎么说,她就怎么做。 |
Sharon sees her friend Brad smoking outside.
莎伦看到她的朋友布莱德正在外面抽烟。 |
Sharon to English club activities as a starting point, the network has gradually developed a unique interactive mode with reality, unite a number of outstanding foreign language professionals.
俱乐部以英语沙龙活动为起点,逐渐形成了独具特色的网络与现实互动的运作模式,团结了一批优秀的外语专业人才。 |