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Will there be anything else,sir?

Will there be a space flight tonight? NASA officials are hoping to launch Space Shuttle Discovery this evening, but a windy forecast threatens the lift-off. 今晚会发射航天飞机吗?美国宇航局官员希望在今晚发射“发现号”,但是强风预告对此次发射造成威胁。
Will there be an in-game option to change hotkeys around? 游戏里会有改变热键的选项吗?
Will there be another Henry Ford to impede our progress? Or will some miracle happen that prolong the boom ? In the end, it's for us to decide. 还是会有另一个亨利.福特来阻碍我们的发展?或者,会发生许多奇迹可以延长这一段黄金期?最终,会由我们来决定!!
Will there be any drama in this tournament? 会有什么好戏上演吗?
Will there be any graphical enhancements? 绘图系统有加强么?
Will there be anything else,sir? 先生,还要别的吗?
Will there be anything else? 别的还要什么?
Will there be beds for me and all who seek? 有无足够的床位,让我和所有的旅客安睡?
Will there be both single-player and multiplayer components? 会同时有单人及多人模式吗?
Will there be clan management? 是否会有氏族管理?
Will there be leaning in 1.0? 在1。0中可以倾斜身体吗?

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