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We are company-warehouse who deliver pipeline armature, valwes and steel products.

We are committed to attracting, retaining and developing quality professionals who thrive on challenges, both technically and commercially and who a motivated by working within a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team environment. 我们承诺吸引、留住并发展优秀专才,使他们能够在技术和商业领域成功应对挑战,在跨文化和多专业的团队环境中得到激励。
We are committed to making every effort to keep Therm-a-Rest mattresses in service and out of the landfills. 我们有义务尽最大努力来使气垫修好以免丢到垃圾场去。
We are committed to profitability and sound finances. We are thrifty. 我们致力于收益率和可靠的财务状况.我们勤俭节约.
We are committed to taking a proactive approach to finding the best possible avenue to meet your needs. 我们采用前摄的方法,寻找最好的途径来满足客户的需要。
We are committed to the accuracy of charging our Students. 我们(校方)将准确地列出课程费用与额外费用。
We are company-warehouse who deliver pipeline armature, valwes and steel products. 我们公司主要供应管件,阀门和钢铁制品.
We are compiling an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students. 我们正为中学生编纂了一本英汉字典。
We are compiling the logging information. 我们正在整理录井资料。
We are completely independent upon your help. 在你们的帮助下,我们完全独立了。
We are completing our final S3 analysis jobs. S3的数据分析即将全部完成。
We are concentrating on helping our clients to set up communication system promptly and enhance the profit ability in order to benefit more from multi-media communication. 帮助客户以较低投入,快速实现建立自己的全球多媒体通信网络,增强企业的获利能力和竞争优势。

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